• Persia had the strong power that governed a lot of nations and ruled the Jewish people. The king who boasted and showed off his power deposed the queen, because she defied his orders. So, the palace officials recruited beautiful ladies across the nation, in order to adopt a new queen. Among them was a lady called Esther from Judah. 

      The ladies adorned themselves with all kinds of luxury fancies, while receiving education and training in the palace, for a year. But, Esther was the most beautiful and graceful, even when she adorned herself less than other ladies. In the long run, she caught the king's attention to become a queen. She early lost her parents, so she was brought up by his cousin brother Mordecai. He worked in the palace where her cousin sister Queen Esther stayed. They pretended not to know each other, keeping it hidden that they were cousins.  

    • The king trusted his man named Haman. But, he showed improper behaviors and despised people, relying on the King's power. He ordered people to bow down to him, whenever they saw him enter the place. All people bowed down to him, but Mordecai did not do like that. So, Haman hated Mordecai, so much that he was anxious to kill him. One day, he said to the king. 

       "Your Majesty, Let me get rid of any bad races that refused to obey Your Majesty." 

       The king answered.

      "Do such races still live? Okay. Do with them as you want." 

      The king permitted him to do so, giving his ring to him, for he trusted Haman.

      He knew that Mordecai was Jew, and decided to kill all Jews including him. He announced that he would kill all the Jewish people. Hearing the news, the Jewish people were distressed and terrified. 


      Mordecai asked Esther.

      "Esther, God appointed you Queen, for this day. You shall save our race." 

      Esther answered. 

      "Yes, I will do. Let all Jewish people fast for three days with me, and Pray." We will risk our lives to confront."

      She fasted and prayed with her servants. Three days after fasting, she risked her life to bring herself before the King. At that time, anyone was banned from coming to king, before he called. Anyone who would violate it was to die. 

      Seeing the beautiful queen Esther, the king reached out the golden scepter to the beloved queen that would permit to meet him. The king asked Esther.

      "What do you want me to do for you? If you want, I'm willing to divide half of the portions of the nation." 

      Esther answered. 

      "Your Majesty, I am going to provide a banquet. I would like to invite Your Majesty with Haman." 

    • By the way, the king cannot sleep. So, he was reading a palace document. Then, it flashed through his mind that he had once noticed that his enemies would make the plot to kill him, because Mordecai had already informed the king himself about it. And, he realized that he had not given any reward for it to him, as yet. Then, the king called the most reliable Haman and consulted about it with him.

      "I want to give a reward to someone. What shall I do with it?" 

      Immediately after the king asked the question to him, Haman misunderstood that the one whom the king want to give a reward would be, none other than, himself. So, he answered. 

      "Your Majesty, Why don't you put the man to wear a golden crown, with the king's robe on, and have the man get on the king's horse and go around cities?" 

      In the next morning, the king brought Mordecai before him, and praised him for what he had done. The king had Mordecai do what Haman asked for. 

      Then, Haman realized that he had misunderstood. And he saw that the king was trusting Mordecai whom he hated. He was very enraged at it, anxious to kill Mordecai, at once. 

    • Queen Esther also invited the king and Mordecai at the second banquet, following the first one. Then, she said to the king, with a sad look. 

      "Your Majesty, Please help. All my tribes including me are about to die." 

      The king asked. 

      "What do you mean by that? Did you say that you will die? Who is going to kill you?" 

      She directed at Haman. Shocked by it, the king went out in the yard, for a while, in order to refresh his mind. Then, Haman begged the queen, holding her foot. 

      "Your Majesty the Queen, Please forgive me. Don't kill me, please." 

      Then, the king came to the banquet, after having taken a fresh air, when he saw that Haman did to the queen.  

      "Oh, You dare! How dare can you touch the queen. Hey! Arrest the bastard, right now and hang him on the pole and put him to death!"   

      The pole was made by Haman, in order to kill Mordecai and hang him on it. Afterward, the king changed his order to kill the Jewish race throughout the nation, and rather revenged those who had slaughtered them. The day when the Jewish race was in the danger of being killed changed into the pleasant and delightful festival day. 

      The Jewish race has designated the day as Purim and has been celebrating it, up to now. 

      (Esther 1:1-9:32)
