
      David was the youngest son of Jesse, who had eight sons, and was a shepherd who took care of his father's flock. He used to praise for God, playing the harp, in a quiet wild field. God loved David and planned to make him rule Israel, later. He appointed Saul the first king. Yet, he loved himself more than God. The Lord was disappointed with him, and decided to replace the king. 

      At that time, the Israelites were in war against the Philistines. Whenever the evil spirit sent by God came on King Saul, he was too be distressed to sleep. The, his attendants told him that if he heard a harp sound, the evil spirit would leave. They brought David to King Saul. He was sent to the palace and played the harp for Saul. When David would get his harp and play it, the evil spirit would leave, and Saul would feel better and be all right again. 


      The battle between the Israelites and the Philistines did not stop for a long period of time. David's three brothers were in battle. Then one day, Jesse asked his youngest son David to bring food for his brothers. In the battlefield, he saw 'Goliath' called the giant of the Philistines yell at the Israelites and insult them. 

      "Idiots, Anyone can challenge me! Your god does not have the power to help you! Ha, Ha, Ha, All of you will die, until today, Nasty Cowards!" 

      Seeing his behavior, David said to the king. 

      "Your Majesty, he dares to insult the people of God. I cannot stand it. I will go to battle and fight against the Philistines."      

      Saul answered. 

      "You are too young to fight against them. "

      David said to him. 

      "When I took care of my father's flock, I used to see lions or bears bite them off. But, I went after them, immediately and killed all them to rescue the flock. The Lord helped me rescue from roaring lions or bears. I believe that God will also rescue me out of the Philistines." 

      Saul can have no choice but to send David to the battle and make him fight against the enemies. Finally, he ordered David to do so. He clothed King's armor. The robe was too large and heavy for David to wear. So, he decided to go to the battle, with the armor off and his robe on. 


      The Philistines had developed weapons made of irons. Goliath was a giant having the height of 3m tall. He shouted in strong voice, with the tight armor, helmet, a large shield, and a long sword. Many Israeli soldiers were terrified at him. 

      "Ha, Ha, Ha, Does a young guy think of me as gullable?" 

       David moved forward, and Goliath sneered at him. 

      "You can attack with your sword and shield. I'll fight, in the name of God!" 

      David cried out and then took a stone out of his bag and slung at Goliath. 

      "Whoosh- Punch, Punch!" 

      The stone hit Goliath on the middle of forehead, and Goliath fell down the ground. Then, David ran to him and drew Goliath's long sword to cut off his head. 

      "Wow, Wow, Wow!" 

      The Israeli soldiers exclaimed out of joy, loudly, like the heaven and earth would be collapsed. 

      When the enemies who relied on their hero saw him fall down, they hurried to run away. The Israeli soldiers gained courage to run after their enemies and defeat them. At last, Israel won in the battle. When David grew up, he was appointed the second king of Israel. 

      (Samuel 16:1-17:58)
